Lodge of St Michael

The Lodge of

St. Michael No. 7833 



Take a virtual tour of the Building on the Dagger Lane Page


Next Craft meeting Thursday 27th Feruary 2025


 Tyle at 7:00 prompt



Next Chapter Meeting


20th February 2025

Note 6:15 Start





March 25 Ladies Evening Hull Marina Holiday Inn




Leslie Thornett


Read about our Worshipful Master on the Brethren Page.

 Read about the Chapter Installation in the Chapter Blog

Christopher Prior, MEZ


MCF Logo




Charitable giving plays an important part in the life of Masonic Lodges.

Freemasonry is the largest contributor to charity in England after the National Lottery.

Our Charity work is done at Grand Lodge Level (see below), at Provincial Level, and at a local level. Each WM of the Lodge chooses which Charitible causes he would like the Brethren to support throughout his year in Office, though this is not exclusive should other needs appear.

The Charity Archives sub-menu shows some of the Charity work done by the Lodge of St Michael in the past.

MCF Logo

A major new charity launched in April 2016


The Foundation has taken over the work of the four central Masonic Charities, providing a wide range of grants to Freemasons and their families who have a financial, health and care or family need.

The Foundation awards grants to other charities, medical research studies and disaster relief appeals.

Funded entirely through the generous donations of the Masonic community, the Foundation has an annual charitable expenditure which places it amongst the largest charities in the country.

Strong, well-resourced and able to respond more effectively to the changing needs of Masonic families and other charitable organisations the Foundation does very important work.



A Note from the Almoner

Brethren’s Guide Charity Fund Donations The Lodge of St Michael 7833


As you are aware we have closed our Charity fund account and transferred funds into the Lodge central fund held by the Lodge and accounted for as a separate entity within the Lodge fund.

To assist those Brethren who may wish now to recommence with their donations to our charity fund we have prepared a simple guide below for you to use.

Donation process (highlighted options are preferred choices to assist with accounting and auditing.)

  • Monthly online banking direct debit/standing order transfer.
  • Annual/or other frequency online banking direct debit/standing order transfer.
  • Paper direct debit process as above.
  • Cash or cheque donation receipted direct to charity steward.

When using the online banking transfer process please will you add  your surname and charity in the reference box please? (e.g. WHITTALL/CHARITY.)

Bank details for the transfers

BANK                      Lloyds Bank

Account NAME     The Lodge of St Michael No 7833

Sort Code               30-94-44

Account no             01339792

Frequently Asked  Questions (FAQ)

  1. How much and how often do I need to donate ? There is not any set amount or frequency: that is your decision alone, and your donations to the charity fund are treated in the strictest of confidence and never shared with anyone inappropriately.
  2. Can I vary any donations I make to the charity? Yes, circumstances change and you may need to reduce donations, if you could let the Charity Steward know it would be appreciated but is not essential.
  3. What about our next festival in 2024 and donations to that? All Masonic Provinces hold a festival periodically and we raise funds that go to the Masonic Charitable Foundation which disburses funds primarily to Brethren and their families but not exclusively so. Any donations to the Festival are collected by Province and while our Lodge has a proud history of supporting our festivals any donations from the Lodge would be authorised in the same way as any request for charitable support.
  4. If I need any advice on the above who can I approach?  You can contact the Charity Steward who will assist you directly in confidence.

Brethren thank you for your kind attention and support to date and in the future.

Yours Sincerely and fraternally.

W Bro David Thomas Whittall PPGdSupWks

Charity Steward  The Lodge of St Michael 7833

Tel  07845617137  email davidtw1956@outlook.com





 2024 The New Year Starts Well:-

Charity is one of our masonic core values and something very close to a freemason's heart, we at the Lodge of St Michael are a small band of brothers but we take great pride in our charitable activities. This year we are focussing on supporting smaller community groups/individuals and causes and we have asked all members of the Lodge to nominate any of the above that we can assist financially or in any other ways.

On Thursday 25th January we held our monthly meeting at Dagger Lane and made our first donation of 2024.

The Lodge, via W Bro Peter Wright was contacted by Fr Phil Lamb, vicar of St Marys Sculcoates and Chaplain to Northumberland Court, who will be doing a Charity Walk from the Liver Buildings in LIverpool to The Deep in Hull over the duration of 5 days, totaling 136 miles, (a marathon a day) to raise funds to equip a sensory unit to be used by children and young adults and their families with autism when they relocate to the Lil Bilocca Buildings in 2024. He hopes to raise in excess of £5000.00 for them as Hull City Council are unable to fund a refit of the equipment that he initially funded when he cycled from Lands End to John O' Groats raising £9000.00 for their present facility on Bellfield Avenue within Leisure and Family Support Services.We were delighted to assist with the funding for this vital resource for the City and surrounding areas which is invaluable for the service users and their families.

We are donating £350.00 from the Lodge for this great local project and wish Father Phil all the best on his five marathons, we will be there to welcome him home.     

                                                  David Whittall  Charity Steward




Even through the summer break the Lodge Charity work continues. Firstly, W Bro Tony Calvert's son Chris has a virulent form of cancer, an operation is needed to prolong his life. A go funding page was set up to help fund the operation (not available on the NHS) The Charity Steward W Bro David Whittall organised a postal vote and the Lodge gave £500.00 to the go fund me page. Well done all concerned 

Secondly, the IPM W Bro Peter Stokes made a donation from his Masters Fund of £500.00. to the charity Parkinsons Hull and East Ridings, a charity particularly poignant to our Lodge.



We have not been idle, but it has been so busy the Lodge Information Officer has only just got round to updating the Charity Page. Not long ago we passed a donation to a Kingston Lodge Mason walking the coast of Britain to promote awareness of men's mental health: a picture of W Bro Simon Ramshawe failing to gain entry to Wainwright's Bar can be seen on the Kingston Charity page.£500.00 was donated to the MCF in May.

On to today, the Worshipful Master along with W Bro David Whittall (Charity Steward) and later joined by Bro Les Thornett (Senior Warden) dispersed funds from the Master's Charity Account.

Firstly W Bro David and I visited Dove House Hospice where we passed over a cheque for £350,00. This was gratefully received by  Amelia Cundill from the Fund Raising Team. We were shown to a "set aside" area where we could take pictures with a Thank You background. (I'm the handsome one in the middle.) We retired to the cafe for tea and biscuits and planned our afternoon meeting.

Fast forward to 13:30, Market Green Cottingham. I met Bro Les Thornett at the car park where we were shortly joined by W Bro David Whittall. We then made our way down to the Derby and Joan Hall. However when we went in, no meeting of Parkinsons was to be seen only Ladies dancing for fitness! I checked the internet and found the meeting we wanted was at the Civic Hall, another plan ahead moment. Arriving at the Civic Hall we were met by Paul Rennison, brother of our own W Bro Shaun; he introduced us to the relevent people and soon we were presenting the cheque, 

As Worshipful Master of the Lodge of St Michael, now for the second year in that Office, let me take this opportunity to thank the Brethren of the Lodge (and, indeed, the Companions of the Chapter) for their sterling support for our chosen charities. Freemasons are taught to be charitable from the outset, but the generosity of this Lodge in particular has touched many lives, improving the lot of others less fortunate than ourselves. Thanks, guys!

 Peter Stokes WM 7833.


 After a two-year break due to the Pandemic, charitable works began at the Lodge with a bumper payout to Parkinsons UK. A cheque for £500 was presented by WB Peter Barnes, W Bro Peter Wright and W Bro Terry Black (WM) to John Hinson and Sandra Collier of Parkinons Hull and East Ridings. Earlier in the year the Chapter of St Michael had also presented them a cheque for £500.00 


The Worshipful Master's Charity for 2019/20 is the Patient Centre at The Queens Oncology Hospital, Castle Hill, an area of the Hospital that provides support for all visitors and patients who are undergoing arduous treatments.

Whilst the staff are NHS Funded the infrastructure is wholly supported by donations, providing a comfortable area to meet and talk as well as private areas where one on one counselling can be undertaken.

The Worshipful Master has first-hand knowledge of how useful this area is and whole heartedly wants to offer his support.


At our November meeting the Worshipful Master Shaun Rennison presented a cheque for £1000.00 payable to FCYNER to the DPGM Dr David Chambers. This masonic charity is used to increase the amounts awarded to worthwhile causes around the province. Further charitable donations were also anounced. 


20th January 2020 the Worshipful Master, represented by WB Terry Lynn, presented a cheque for £500.00 to representatives of Goole GoFar. 

At the start of Worshipful Master Shaun Rennison's year we introduced a Treasure Chest Prize as part of the raffle. At our January Lodge the the chest was opened and the lucky recipient won £270.00. Not bad for £5.00 worth of tickets. All raffle proceeds go to the charity pot.


On Saturday 15th February at the lodge Ladies Night, Worshipful Master Shaun Rennison Presented a cheque for £500,00 to his Charity The Patient Centre at Queens Oncology Centre, Castle Hill. Brethren and guests joined in a three course dinner and then danced into thenight to the sounds of Simply Sax. A great evening was had by all who attended.   

At the regular meeting on 27th February The Worshipful Master Shaun Rennison reported to the lodge that the Ladies Night was in Profit to the sum of £475.00 His lady Carol donated £25.00 to round the sum to £500.00 which Shaun presented to the Charity Steward W Bro Alex MacCallister.


At our regular Lodge Meeting on Thursday 27th February the Brethren were treated to a presentation on the work carried out by Hull Street Angels, Carol Fenny and Gaynor Bonner joined our Festive Board and told us of the good works they carry out. after which The Worshipful Master Presented a Cheque for £500.00 to the Hull Street Angels to assist them in the purchase of a safe refuge bus.                                                                  


On Monday March 2nd Brother Peter Stokes presented a cheque for £250.00 to Hull Veterans Support Center. This is a charity that provides short and longer term accomodation to veterans who have fallen on hard times.                                                                                                                                 











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